So maybe ~50% stronger than regular Boo?Įxactly, I didn't say it doubled and I do agree that his absortions work as an addition. So Gohan should fall somewhere between them, where he can kick Boo's ass at one end but gets his own ass kicked equally as hard on the other. Assuming that Boo's absorption ability works more like addition than multiplication in terms of how it affects his battle power, Gotenks Boo should himself be about twice as strong as his regular form (given that SS3 Gotenks appears to be only a tad stronger than Boo, plus Piccolo's negligible power). I wouldn't say Boo's power after absorbing Gotenks and Piccolo is twice that of Gohan's. At least in the manga, Gohan is completly helpless in the anime filler they fight evenly at first, then Boo suddenly overwhelms Gohan to follow the manga, which confuses things a little bit. I would say that Boo combined with Gotenks &Piccolo almost doubles (well, maybe somewhere between 50% to 2x) Gohan's power. Gohan is stronger than Gotenks and Boo SSj3 Gotenks is slightly stronger than Boo Anyway, recapping according to my interpretation: Rubens wrote:Wait, I completly misread the post.